Union Catalogs in Europe
UK & Ireland
Spain & Portugal
Benelux (Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxemburg)
Scandinavia & the Baltic States
Greece & Turkey
Eastern Europe
Union Catalogs in other continents
European national libraries union catalog
European Union catalogs
U.K. & Ireland
Name: London Libraries (Project WiLL)
Name: A2A or Access to Archives
Name: M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries
Name: Merseyside Libraries
Name: Co-operative Information Retrieval Network for Scotland or CAIRNS
Name: NI-Libraries
Name: UnityWeb
Name: V3 Web
Name: Foursite Consortium union catalog
Name: Revealweb
Name: Consortium of Irish University and Research Libraries or IRIS
Name: Dublin City Public Libraries
Name: UK Union Catalogue of Chinese Books
Name: Catalogue collectif de France or CCF
Name: CCN-PS
Name: Catalogue collectif des bibliothèques des musées nationaux
Name: Catalogue des collections des musées de France, (Base Joconde)
Name: Catalogue collectif Lyons
Name: Catalogue collectif Lyons et Grenoble
Name: Catalogue collectif des fonds patrimoniaux et
locaux des bibliothèques de Bretagne.
Name: Suedwestdeutschen Bibliotheksverbund or SWB
Name: Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund or GBV
Name: Hochschubibliotheken Nordrhein-Westfalens Verbundkatalog or HBZ
Name: Bibliotheksverbunds Bayern or BVB
Name: Hessisches Bibliotheks Informations System or HEBIS
Name: Kooperative Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg or KOBV
Name: Beim Verbund der Öffentlichen Bibliotheken Berlins or VÖBB
Name: Frankfurter Katalogportal
Name: Gesamtkatalog der Bibliotheken der Goethe-Institute im Ausland
Name: Catalogo collettivi regione
Name: MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano
Name: Accesso al Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici or ACNP
Name: Unione Romane delle Biblioteche Scientifiche or URBS
Name: Centro Inter-Bibliotecario (CIB)
Spain & Portugal
Name: Catálogo de las Bibliotecas Publicas del Estado or BPE
Name: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Español or PABI
Name: Catálogo Colectivo de las Bibliotecas Universitarias de Cataluña or CBUC
Name: Catálogo Colectivo de Cataluña or CCC
Name: Catálogo Colectivo Valenciano
Name: Catálogo Colectivo de la Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC.
Name: Catálogo Colectivo de la Red de Bibliotecas del RUECA.
Name: Catálogo Colectivo Español de Publicaciones Periódicas
Name: Catálogo Colectivo de publicaciones periódicas de Bibliotecas españolas de Ciencias de la Salud.
Name: Catálogo Colectivo de la Red de Bibliotecas del Instituto Cervantes
Name: Catálogo Colectivo Portugués (PORBASE).
Benelux (Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxemburg)
Name: Antilope, Zebra and CCB Collectieve Catalogus
Name: Vlaamse Centrale Catalogus or VLACC
Name: Nederlandse Collectieve Catalogus or NCC
Name: Adamnet Collectieve Catalogus (Samenwerkende Amsterdamse Bibliotheken)
Name: Rotterdamnet Collectieve Catalogus
Name: www.bibliotheek.nl (Nederlandse Openbare Collectieve Catalogus)
Name: Wageningen Collectieve Catalogus
Name: Overijssel Collectieve Catalogus
Name: Katalog Netzwerk von Bibliotheken und Informationsstellen in der Schweiz or NEBIS Katalog
Name: Catalogue collectif Suisse des publications en série.
Name: Online-Kataloge des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes
Scandinavia & the Baltic States
Name: Folkbiblioteken I Goteborg
Name: Bibliotek
Name: Landsbokasavnid
Name: Eesti Raamatukoguvõrgu Konsortsium ELNET
Name: Lietuvos Nacionalinės Mažvydo Bibliotekos or LIBIS
Greece Turkey Russia
Name: Regional University and Science Library Advanced Network in the North-West of Russia, or RUSLANet
Name: Russian Library Consortia Resources
Name: Russian Union Catalog on Sci-Tech Literature
Eastern Europe
Name: KaRo
Name: NUKat
Name: Czech And Slovak Library Information Network or CASLIN
Name: Magyar Orszagos Kazas Katalagus or MOKKA
Name: European national library catalogs
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of some major European national libraries, viz (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Scandinavia, Poland, Spain, Austria and Switzerland).
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the various institutional libraries of the European Union (EU), such as the European Commission libraries in Luxembourg and Brussels, the European Court of Auditors Library, the European Central Bank Library, and the European Parliament Documentation Centre Library.
Name: Consortium of University Research Libraries OPAC or COPAC
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of major university research libraries in the UK and Ireland, as well the British Library & the National Library of Scotland.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the individual public library catalogs in the 33 London boroughs. It also searches museums and archives collections. This is part of ongoing Project WiLL, being carried out by the London Libraries Development Agency, and funded by the NOF. About 28 of the 33 London public library catalogues are connected to the WiLL service. However it
is not a union catalogue in the traditional sense but uses distributed
search technology which allows parallel real-time searching of live
catalogues. Thus each catalogue selected by the user is searched remotely
using the Z39.50 protocol and there is not one single database.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the documents in major archives in the U.K., including the National Archives, and regional archives in major U.K. cities.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of major university libraries in the metropolitan London boroughs and the home counties, essentially within the circular M25 motorway region.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of serials holdings of the 22 largest UK libraries. This is a new pilot service developed by the SUNCAT Project Team at Edinburgh University Library.There will be further development work during Phase 2.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Merseyside region in England.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of major university libraries in Scotland.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the serials collection in academic and research libraries in Scotland.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in Northern Ireland.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the holdings of over 450 libraries across the UK and Ireland, including the British Library.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the British Library and libraries in London & South East Region and West Midlands Region.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in Somerset County Council, Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire counties.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the South West Regional Library System public libraries in Somerset County Council, Bath and NE Somerset, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire counties, Bristol, Wiltshire, Swindon and Gloucestershire.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the periodicals collections in some of the major libraries in U.K. universities.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of materials available in accessible formats in the UK. Revealweb also maintains a Register of Suppliers which lists all known collections of accessible format materials and producers of these
materials (e.g. transcsription services).
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of
sets of performance music in UK Libraries:
a project of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives
and Documentation Centres, United Kingdom and Ireland Branch.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of major university and special libraries in Ireland.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in Dublin, Ireland.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Chinese language (Mandarin, Cantonese etc) books in the British Library, as well as the libraries at Cambridge University, Durham University, Edinburgh University, Leeds University, Oxford University and London University's School of African and Oriental Studies. Project is funded by the Research Support Libraries Programme.
Name: Système universitaire de documentation or SUDOC
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university libraries in France.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of research, public, and special libraries in France, as well as the National Library of France.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of serials (journals, newspapers etc) in the research, public, and special libraries in France.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of museum libraries in France.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the collections (including books, manuscripts, sculptures etc) in museums in France. Includes photographs in search results.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in Lyon.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public and academic libraries Lyon and Grenoble.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in Brittany.
Name: IBLK Metakatalog (Verbundkatalog Deutschland)
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of all academic and research libraries in Germany. Also searches serials.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university libraries in the south west states of Germany such as Baden-Wurttemberg.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university libraries in the northern states of Germany, including Hamburg and Lower Saxony.
Link to Union Catalog
Details: Union catalog of the university librarties in the state of North Rhine-Westfalia.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university and research libraries in Bavaria, including the Bavarian State Library.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university libraries in the stae of Hessen.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university and research libraries in Berlin and state of Brandenburg, including the Berlin State Library.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in the Berlin.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public and university libraries in Frankfurt am Main.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Goethe Institutes libraries outside Germany.
Name: Catalogo Unico Indice SBN (Sistema Bibliotecario Nazionale)
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of major libraries in Italy.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries (academic, government and special) in each of the 21 political regions of Italy, including Sardinia and Sicily. Compiled by the Italian Library Association, AIB.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the major libraries in Italy. Compiled by the Italian Library Association, AIB.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the periodicals collections in major libraries in Italian universities.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of scientific research libraries in Rome. Also searches the Vatican City Library catalog.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of large libraries in Italian universities. Project from Bologna Univeristy.
Name: Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias or REBIUN (Catálogo Colectivo de la Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas)
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university and research libraries in Spain.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in Spain.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Spainish Bibliographic Heritage Union Catalog
Link to Union Catalog. 1 (English)
Link to Union Catalog. 2 Catalan Spanish
Details: Union catalog of university libraries in the Catalan region of Spain, such as Barcelona.
Link to Union Catalog. 2 Spanish
Details: Union catalog of libraries in the Catalan region of Spain.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in Valencia.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries on the CSIC library network in Spain.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries on the RUECA library network in Spain.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the periodicals in major Spanish libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the medical periodicals in major Spanish medical and health libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries of Spanish Cervantes Institute worldwide. It offers Spanish language courses in many countries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in Portugal.
Name: Catalogue Collectif de Belgique (Flemish = Collectieve Catalogus van België) or CCB (LIBIS)
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Belgian university, special and research libraries. Produced by Leuven University Library.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Searches the Antilope union catalog of the periodicals in Belgian libraries and the Zebra union catalog of university and special libraries in Antwerp. Also searches the huge CCB union catalog.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of
6 large Flemish-speaking public libraries (Belgian cities of Antwerp, Brugge, Brussels, Ghent, Hasselt and Leuven).
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Dutch university, special and research libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the public libraries in Amsterdam.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in Rotterdam
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in the Netherlands. Under construction.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of agricultural libraries in the Netherlands.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in the province of Overijssel in the Netherlands.
Name: Catalogue Collectif RERO (Reseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale /Union Catalogue of the Network of Libraries from Western Switzerland)
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in French speaking parts of Switzerland, such as Geneva and Lausanne.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in German speaking parts of Switzerland such as Bern and Zurich.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of serials and periodicals in libraries in Switzerland
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in Austria.
Name: NOSP
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Co-operation between national union catalogues and national libraries in: Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Only indexes serials.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in Norway.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Swedish research and special libraries as well as number of public libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: union catalog of the Goteborg public libraries including. Goteborg City Library.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Danish research and university libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Danish libraries, as well as all books published in Denmark.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of public libraries in Finland.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university libraries in Finland. Maintained and developed by Helsinki University Library.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in Iceland.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of libraries in Faeroe Islands.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university libraries in Estonia.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university and research libraries in Lithuania.
Name: Hellenic Academic Libraries Link
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university and research libraries in Greece.
Name: Anadolu Universite Kutuphaneleri Konsorsiyumu (Anatolian University Libraries Consortium) ANKOS
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of university and research libraries in Turkey.
Name: Russian Electronic Union Catalogue
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of the six largest Russian libraries, viz the Russian State Library, the National Library of Russia, the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Historical Public Library, Moscow State (Lomonosov) University Library, and the St Petersburg University Scientific Library.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of North-Western Russian libraries, including those in the cities of Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Murmansk and St.Petersburg.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of various Russian library networks and consortia, including RUSLANet, Kazan Library Network, Urals Library Network, Karelia Library System, Yaroslavl Library Network, Novosibirsk Regional Network, Moscow Library Network,Tomsk Library Network, Nizhny Novgorod Library System, Omsk Corporate Library Consortium.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of science and technology books in Russian academic libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Polish university libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Polish research libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Czech and Slovak university and research libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Link to Union Catalog (2).
Details: Union catalog of Hungarian university and research libraries.
Link to Union Catalog.
Details: Union catalog of Croatian university and research libraries.