Macrae's Blue Book. Industrial directories with US and Canadian content
respectively that have just been re-designed to offer significantly
more information to on-line users. Includes detailed product and company
information on over 140,000 US and Canadian manufacturers, including
links to most of them. See also Canadian Trade
MagPortal. A free web site that provides a full-text search engine for and categorization of online magazine articles. We index over 130 magazines (adding more every week) from many different publishers across a broad range of subjects. See also electronic jourmals.
MAID Profound. Market Analysis and Information Database. Business database host, providing comprehensive, online business intelligence services. See also FT Profile, Bloomberg and Dow Jones News/Retrieval. MAID merged with Knight-Ridder Information to form the Dialog Corporation.
mailbase discussion forum full LIS directory.
Mailbase is being replaced with JISCmail ( from November 2000.
For more sites devoted to library discussions see also LIS e-mail lists,
LIS Discussions Forum, LIS news, Newsgroups, Nutshell, Library Juice,
Bowker Information Professionals Exchange, and Free Pint.
Managing Information periodical. See Aslib Managing Information.
Manning & Napier Information Services. MNIS. Information retrieval products company e.g. DR-LINK natural language information retrieval system. Unlike Boolean and statistically-based systems, DR-LINK looks beyond exact word matches and frequencies of occurrence by understanding the vital underlying meaning of text. It is a true Natural Language Processing (NLP) system.
Map History / History of Cartography. THE Gateway to the Subject. A tightly organized global overview of the subject's resources,
activities and opportunities, with leads to the collecting of old and early maps. See also World Map Databases and historical maps.
MDL Information Systems Leader in
discovery informatics for the life science and chemical industries. Part of Elsevier Science.
MEAD Data Central database host. See Lexis-Nexis.
Med Hunt. Search engine specifically set up for searching medical information on the web. See also Medical search engine, Medical databases and medical world search.
Medical databases. Probably the largest of its kind on the web. Click on databases.
Medical databases 2. Categorised by medical subject. Very large. See also biomedical databases.
Medical database 3. Medsite. See also Drug database and pharmaceutical information Network.
Medical Dictionary. Maintained by a medical doctor. See also Medical Reference Library.
Medical History Library. Part of Yale University library. Collections on past medical greats such as Hippocrates, Harvey, Vesalius etc. See also Wellcome Institute library in the UK.
Medical Information on Diseases. Comprehensive A-Z description of all major medical diseases. Arranged
alphabetically, plus basic prescription information. Includes a medical dictionary and the latest news from the medical world. See also Merck Manual, Drug Databases and Medline.
Medical Reference Library. Access to numerous online medical journals, databases and other resources. See also world medical libraries and biomedical journals.
MEDLINE directory Description of sites where you can access Medline for free. From the Czech Ministry of Health in Prague.
These free Medline web sites below are usually for basic searching and for end-users, but recently a few advanced features have been incorporated, such as use of MeSH descriptors.
MEDLINE PubMed. US National Library of Medicine. Free full access from June 26th 1997. Includes 9 million citations in MEDLINE supplemented by PreMedline citations which do not yet have MeSH index terms, and by citations supplied electronically by biomedical journal publishers.
MEDLINE. Web version of Grateful Med. US National Library of Medicine. Has several search limitation options, such as journal restriction, and access to 15 other Medlars databases, apart from Medline: AIDSLINE, AIDSDRUGS, AIDSTRIALS, BIOETHICSLINE, ChemID, DIRLINE, HealthSTAR, HISTLINE, HSRPROJ, OLDMEDLINE (1960-1965), POPLINE, SDILINE, SPACELINE, TOXLINE
MEDLINE. Has several options to make search very specific, including year option (from 1966), language option and the proximity ADJ option, in addition to AND, OR and NOT Boolean operators. From HealthWorld.
MEDLINE. From Infortrieve. Extras include: natural language or Boolean/proximity search query language, article type and year option. Also allows browsing of the MeSH tree. Very good GUI. Great for the end-user searcher.
MEDLINE. Evaluated Medline. From BioMednet. Extras include links to evaluated articles corresponding to the review articles in the Current Opinion journals. Registration required.
MEDLINE. Also gives access to 6 other MEDLARS databases as Internet Grateful Med. From Healthgate.
MEDLINE. Simple registration procedure required. From Medscape.
MEDLINE. Avicenna.
These services provide commercial MEDLINE, (usually more powerful and for information professionals, usually via CD-ROM or online): Aries Systems Corporation (Knowledge Finder), Ovid, PaperChase, SilverPlatter, DataStar, DIALOG, STN, DIMDI, Questel-Orbit, and Community of Science.
MeSH latest Updated information on the MEdical Subject Headings descriptors that make up the MEDLINE thesaurus. Includes the MeSH browser, which is a computerised compact version, of the combination of the printed mesh tree structures and alphabetic mesh list.
Developed by GlaxoSmithKline for healthcare practitioners.
See also Medical information databases.
Health Care Libraries Unit,
HCLU. UK. Coordinates and facilitates resource sharing among the member libraries of the Health Libraries Information Network (HeLIN).
MIC-KIBIC medical database host. Medical Information Centre (MIC), of the Karolinska Institute Library & Information Center(KIBIC), Sweden. Handles Scandinavian access and contributions to the National Library of Medicine MEDLARS databases such as MEDLINE.
Microbial Strain Data Network. MSDN. A UN International effort providing communication and information services to scientists worldwide working on microbiology and biotechnology, such as centres storing microbial strains worldwide. A gateway access is available from DataStar. See also World Data Center for Micro-organisms.
Microbiological databases. From the producers of Bergey's Manuals of Determinative and Systematic Bacteriology. To access databases, click on resources. See also biological databases, biochemical databases, and molecular biology databases.
Microfusion. The developers of Microfusion Information Management software for libraries.
Micromedex. Provides current, in-depth environmental health & safety, hazardous materials management, and regulatory compliance information, Databases cover toxicology, pharmacology, emergency and acute care medicine, occupational medicine, chemical safety and industrial regulatory compliance.
MicroPatent. Patents and trademarks CD-ROM database information producers. Has the world's largest CD-ROM library. Also at See also Patents database and Internet Patent search, IFI Plenum Data, Questel Orbit, Search Systems and Thomson and Thomson (for Trademarks companies).
Microsoft Concise Encarta Encyclopedia. Free abridged version, plus preview access to the Deluxe version. See also Encyclopaedia Britannica, Compton's Encyclopedia, World Information Encyclopedia (Information Please), World Book Encyclopedia, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, and World Fact Book.
Middle Eastern Newspapers. Over 100 newspapers from the Middle East on the web, including English and Arabic language versions. See also World newspapers.
Military libraries. See world military libraries, US Defense Department Libraries, and information warfare.
Military Search Engine. Specialist search engine for military resources on the net. Over 1 million military pages indexed and ranked in order of popularity. See also Jane's Information Group, US Military Persicope Database, and US Centre for Defense Information.
The Mining Company. Huge information resource, includes hundreds of annotated links on all subjects. See also Library and Information Science professional resources.
Mintel UK consumer market research intelligence business reports.
Minitel French Teletel videotex/viewdata information system. Download a free Mac/PC Minitel Videotex terminal emulator. A great way to learn about the world's biggest public videotex system. See also UK Teletext.
Free International Phone Directory. Also offer a small search box that allows people to quickly look up phone numbers all over the world. See also world telephones.
Molecular biology/genetics/bioinformatics database directory. List of the vast collections of protein and DNA/RNA databases on the Internet,
covering e.g. gene (nucleotide) and protein (amino acid) sequences, protein structures
(secondary to quaternary structures) and genetic map databases, such as GenBank, Swiss-Prot,
Protein Data Bank, and the Human Genome Database.
Molecular biology databases. Site 1. ExPASy server. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. Categorised. Long list. Includes links to other molecular biology information resources.
Molecular biology databases. Site 2. Very comprehensive list. Divided into categories. From the Weizmann Institute of Science. EMBNet Israel Node.
BLAST. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. BLAST is a search algorithm (retrieval software) used in DNA and protein sequence databases, to locate homologous sequences i.e. similarities between gene DNA or protein sequences. It performs fast searching combined with rigorous statistical analysis, such as coloured histograms for judging the significance of matches in a search, e.g. sequence similarities. Allows you to receive lengthy results via e-mail. Description of 5 BLAST variant programs: blastn (seek identical DNA sequences and splicing patterns), blastp (find homologues proteins), blastx (analyse new DNA to find genes and seek homologous proteins), tblastn (search for genes in unannotated DNA), tblastx (discover gene structure). See also FASTA, (usually slower but more effective).
BLAST. Allows the searching of a DNA database containing all human sequence data, (finished and unfinished genome sequences). Via Sanger Genome Centre server UK.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory library. Library is a specialized reference and research collection of scholarly monographs and journals with an emphasis on genetics, molecular biology, plant genetics, neurobiology and cancer research.
DBGET database Integrated database (from Japan), like Entrez. Includes access to other molecular biology databases. See also SRS.
ENTREZ database Allows retrieval of molecular biology data and bibliographic citations from the US National Centre for Biotechnology Information integrated databases, such as GenBank. A convenient way to retrieve nucleotide or amino acid sequences from many databases, as well as obtain related Medline references. See also DBGET and SRS.
European Commission Biotechnology Research information, BIOREP. Information service covering publicly funded biotechnology research in the European Union. The database is free of charge and produced by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on behalf of the EC.
European Bioinformatics Institute. UK. Web site has links to EMBL and SWIS-PROT sequencing databases. See also European Commission Biotechnology Research Projects.
ExPASy Dedicated to the analysis of protein and nucleic acid sequences, as well as 2-D PAGE (Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) databases. Includes access to other bioinformatics resources.
FASTA search algorithm. Locates homologous sequences i.e. similarities between gene DNA or protein sequences. Allows you to receive lengthy search results via e-mail. See also BLAST. Both programs use heuristic strategies to speed up the alignment procedure, followed by the Smith-Waterman algorithm, thus improving search time, but at the cost of overlooking an occasional similarity, bearing in mind that similarities between DNA and protein sequences often span only segments of the sequences involved.
GenBank database. World's largest nucleotide sequence database. Similar to the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Databank and DDBJ. GenBank field restriction options include: Locus, Definition, Accession No, NID Keywords, Source, Reference, Comment, and Features. GenBank (V.110) exceedes one billion base pairs or 2.5 million sequences.
GENESEQ database. Protein/DNA sequences database from Oxford Molecular Group, derived exlclusively from patent data. Published by Derwent Information.
Genetics Computer Group GCG sequence analysis service. University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Centre, US. Gateway access to bioinformatics databases for nucleic and amino acid sequence analysis. Used by more than 30,000 scientists around the world. Databases available under GCG include GenBank, PIR, Swiss-Prot and Prosite.
Human Genome Database. Access to data from the multi-million dollar global Human Genome Project, HGP. In early 1998, while the genome maps (physical and genetic maps) of over 11 microbes, including Escherichia coli, bacteriophages such as lambda and T7, numerous viruses and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) have been completely mapped, the human genome is only 9 percent finished, but the target date for HGP completion is 2005, (revised as 2003 in September 1998). The project is at present being carried out in labs in the US, UK, Italy, Russia , Japan, France, and Holland. A draft map will be available in 2001. The final map will cover all 3 billion bases of the human genome, representing 50,000 to 100,000 genes.
Human Genome map database. A very detailed database for researches, (not the whole map, just a selection of important human genes). Browse by chromosome number. From the NCBI.
ImMunoGeneTics database, IMGT. International specialized Immunogenetics database containing nucleotide sequence information of genes important in the function of the immune system. Maintained by the European Bioinformatics Institute. See also Kabat.
Martindale Bioscience Centre bioinformatics databases. Categorised by major biological subject. Genetics databases include DNA, RNA, protein, animal genetics (including endocrinology, cattle, dogs, mouse, rat, chicken, pig databases) fungal genetics, human genetics (including databases on the 24 chromosomes), insect genetics, marine genetics, plant genetics, prokaryotes genetics, and yeast genetics. The site is very long and careful browsing is recommended.
Molecular biology bibliographic databases. PubMed/NLM. Tip: you will have to scroll down the "for" option. Databases available are GenBank, Biomolecule 3-D structures and Complete genomes.
Centre for Biotechnology Information, NCBI. Among other things is responsible
for building, maintaining, and distributing GenBank, the NIH genetic sequence
database that collects all known DNA sequences from scientists worldwide.
Scop database. Classifies proteins based on thier structure.
SeqAnalRef. Bibliographic reference databank relative to papers dealing with gene sequence analysis.
SRS. Intergrated database like Entrez and DBGET. From the European Bioinformatics Institute.Covers both sequence and structure queries. Over 30 different versions of SRS are on the web. SRS databases are indexed well, reducing search time.
Swiss-Prot. Protein database of translations of amino acid sequences relating to coding regions identified in GenBank. See also PIR.
For more databases and bioinformatics resources, see also biochemical databases, biological databases, microbiological databases, biotechnology information resources, and the US National Agricultural library database index, which lists several important molecular biology databases.
Al-Akhawayn University Library. Ifrane (close to Fez), Morocco. Not to be confused with Al-Qarawiyin University in Fez, Morocco, which is the oldest university library in the world.
Movie database. See Internet movie database.
Music Database. Covers rock, country, jazz, blues,
rap, reggae, gospel etc. Includes photo of artists. Wide variety of search options,
such as search by artist, albums or songs. See also World
music libraries.